Thursday, May 07, 2009

What I Take Seriously

It would be nice if someone would explain to Marshall Art that I might actually get upset by someone who argues the current Republican line, i.e., that we have never tortured but the bastards had it coming. Repeatedly. It might shock him back to reality to realize that, while I do not take myself seriously at all - anyone who knows me in the real world would know that - I do take seriously attempts to defend the indefensible.

Arguing that it's all in good fun and we all need to lighten up is not only lame, it's a dodge, an attempt to deflect attention from morally vacuous nonsense. Besides that, if all we're about here is bullshitting one another all the time, we might as well collect stamps. I take what I do seriously. I take Marshall at his word, that he really believes what he writes. For that reason alone, I consider him beneath contempt.

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