Thursday, May 07, 2009

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer. I have to say I really don't know what that means; such public piety has no place in a secular republic, and didn't Jesus tell us to pray in our closets where no one can see us? Oh, right that's the part of the Bible that doesn't mention killing gay folk . . .

Seriously, though this is just crazy-nuts-lying:
President Obama will sign a proclamation recognizing today as a National Day of Prayer (NDP). Notably, the President will not continue former George W. Bush’s practice of holding a “formal White House event.” In response, conservative commentators in recent days have been suggesting that Obama is in some way attempting to downplay the significance of the NDP — and faith in general.

Limbaugh went so far as to suggest that Obama was trying to “cancel” the NDP, while the National Day of Prayer Task Force issued a statement suggesting that Obama was departing from historical tradition.

So the President signs a proclamation recognizing the NDP, and the head of the Republican Party says he's canceling it.

Is it any wonder we crazy liberals say that the conservative world-view is topsy-turvy?

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