Sunday, May 03, 2009

Prom Night

As I noted, I DJed a prom last night, for Depue High School. It was actually a lot of fun, a challenge in some ways, too. I got thinking, and while this is more ER's schtick than mine, I thought, "What the heck?"

My Senior Prom was the night before graduation. It was held at the VFW Hall in South Waverly, and I remember the band had a female lead singer (it was the time for that, what with Pat Benatar, Quarterflash, Martha and the Motels). My date was Lisa Montz from Sayre (I had taken her to her prom about a month before). She wore green, I recall. My tux, I am embarrassed to say, had ruffles. Lots of them (sigh).

Prom memories, please.

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