Thursday, May 07, 2009

More New Ideas

In their endless search for new ideas and a fresh approach, the Republicans are . . . using the fear card.
All else having failed to score decisive political points against Obama, the GOP is going back to the tried and true scare tactics that will be the historical hallmark of U.S. politics in the 2000s. And, yes, 9/11 is the cudgel once again.

Today, the House GOP leadership unveiled its "Keep Terrorists Out Of America Act" (clever, right?) to try to prevent the closing of Gitmo by barring the moving of detainees to facilities on the U.S. mainland.

Over the weekend, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, and . . . somebody else . . . had a "town hall" at a pizza parlor in Arlington, VA where they trotted out all the talking points the Republicans have been spouting for years, and were summarily rejected by voters in two - count 'em, two - national election cycles. The funniest part was Mitt Romney, a former governor who is the son of a former governor, sitting next to Jeb Bush, a former governor who is the son and brother of two former Presidents, calling the Democrats the party of monarchists. Are they even trying?

So, fresh out of new ideas, they hoist the bloody shirt in hopes that a terrorist attack eight years ago will frighten enough people to forget that George W. Bush never even came close to catching Osama bin Laden, and in the meantime drove our country in to the ground in so many ways it will take years to repair. Good luck on that one.

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