Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just This On Sotomayor (UPDATE)

While the attacks on Sonia Sotomayor predate her nomination today by Pres. Obama, it should be noted with all honesty that the political right is so morally corrupt that any nominee would suffer the fate she has, to whit, having her reputation, both personal and professional attacked and sullied by these idiotic grievance-peddlers and shrill bigots. Simply put, the currents of contemporary public discourse run through the sewage of the right before they come out in to the (relatively) placid ocean of the United States Senate. While I grieve for the damage already done to Judge Sotomayor by the likes of Jeffrey Rosen and various right-wingers, I believe that such would have been the case regardless of Obama's choice.

UPDATE: Having John Yoo criticize your legal reasoning should be ignored. The guy's a war criminal. Simple as that.

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