Friday, May 29, 2009

Is Anything Else Happening?

So, a parts supplier to our local Chrysler plant is shuttering on Saturday - over 500 jobs down the toilet.

North Korea, the perpetual two-year-old of the planet, is throwing another tantrum, and while both South Korea and the US seem to know how to handle their problem child, there are tens of thousands of lives at stake if the tantrum goes in to the throwing-themselves-on-the-floor-and-screeching phase.

Yet, what is the internet all abuzz about? The absolutely wonderful real-time self-immolation of Newt Gingrich, doubling down his racist attacks on Sonia Sotomayor. The entire unfolding farce is being aided and abetted, of course, by the truly racist Tom Tancredo, and now even convicted Watergate felon G. Gordon Liddy adds stupid misogyny to the mix. As the entire right-wing apparatus crashes and burns, it seems to be clear this was in the cards all along. So, the real story is that, perhaps, we have seen the last of these "Supreme Court nominee battles" for a while, because there won't be anyone left once this one is over.

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