Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"[H]urling ourselves off a cliff"

Watching the Republicans beat themselves up over how to go about destroying Judge Sotomayor without, you know, destroying her or themselves or whatever, is kind of fun.

The reality is quite simple. The limbic-brain Republicans will froth at the mouth, spout all sorts of nonsense about identity politics and empathy, threaten double-secret probation on any Republican Senator who votes in favor of her confirmation, and basically act like a two-year-old in a candy shop. Meanwhile, "sensible" Republicans will note the coming catastrophe as follows:
“If Republicans make a big deal of opposing Sotomayor, we will be hurling ourselves off a cliff,” said Mark McKinnon, a senior adviser to Mr. Bush and a long-time advocate of expanding the party’s appeal. “Death will not be assured. But major injury will be.”

Said hurling has already commenced, as noted in a couple prior posts.

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