Saturday, May 30, 2009

I Feel So Hip

I was on my way to buy something else completely, and was listening to Sound Opinions on my local NPR station. They were reviewing the latest release from the band Grizzly Bear, and I was so intrigued, I tried to find it. CD selling being what it is, however, I only managed to find their first release, Yellow House, and was more than pleasantly surprised to discover a band that is a mix of so many influences as to be greater than the sum of whatever parts to which you want to point.

The gentlemen on Sound Opinions made the point that Yellow House had quite the following in hip blogs, so I feel so "with it", now. So cool. Envy me.

Here they are doing "Lullaby" at a club in Britain. If anyone notices certain, um, resemblances to early Genesis here, I think you would be right. All those hipsters probably missed them.

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