Saturday, November 03, 2007

Inspired By Chomsky

In my many volumes of Noam Chomsky, there is a quote that is difficult to find. I cannot remember it word for word, but it goes something like this: There is no reason to speak to truth to power, because they already know the truth. The important thing is to speak the truth to those who might not otherwise have access to it.

A further point I might add is that morons like Russert, neurotic woman-haters like Matthews and Carlson may actually believe they are lights to the world. They may actually believe every bit of garbage that flows from their sewer-ridden mouths. They are, however, even more stupid if that is so, because they are "useful idiots" (to borrow Lenin's description of western social democratic parties), being used by those who know the truth, but find it convenient to pump the egos of these truly stupid individuals. They are the mouthpieces of power, not just because they lie, but because they have no idea their lies serve a power that knows they are lies. They are to be pitied, in some ways, precisely because they are just too stupid to know that they are nothing more than tools, the hammers and saws of the destruction of our political life.

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