Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Press Freedom

Via my good friend the Portuguese Doctor, comes a report on press freedom around the world (in Portuguese with translation via Babelfish). The report, including the criteria and questionnaire, can be found here.

The United States ranks 48th out of 169 countries surveyed. We are not quite as free as Nicaragua, and a bit more free than Togo. Other countries with more press freedom than the United States include - Bosnia and Herzegovina (34), Ghana (29), Slovenia (22), and Trinidad and Tobago. The most free press environment is Iceland.

That haven for freedom in the Middle East, Iraq, is 157th out of 168.

Mission Accomplished.

For those incurious enough not to click the link - the survey was done by Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans frontieres), not exactly either a Communist/Fascist/Islamic/anti-American group.

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