Tuesday, October 16, 2007

All They Have is Hate

Matthew Yglesias quotes Andrew Sullivan - "There is only one person who can rescue Republican fundraising, reunite the party, rally the base and win the presidency for the GOP. And you know who she is." - and agrees to an extent, although with caveats.

Without considering how one views her various policy positions and pronouncements, isn't it sad to think that the only thing true-believing Republicans feel they can grasp right now is hatred of Hillary Clinton?

Just as a side note, Yglesias' contention that "she has the best chance of losing" is not supported by polling evidence. In most head-to-head match-ups between Clinton and pretty much any of the Republican candidates, she has a lead that continues to widen. Indeed, the purported Republican front-runner, Rudy Giuliani, actually becomes less popular the more people get to know him.

In any event - that's all they have. That's where their hope lies - in a visceral hatred for a woman who has the temerity to be successful, and hold a family and marriage together despite all the troubles involved.

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