Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday Rock Show

When I was a sophomore in college, my next door neighbor for the first half of my first semester would come home in the evenings and play, over and over again, on a small, tinny tape player, the soundtrack to the Talking Heads concert film, Stop Making Sense. I got so tired of hearing it, I actually avoided seeing the movie because the repetition of the soundtrack just destroyed my enjoyment of the music so much. Over the years, however, I bought it, and watch it on occasion. I love much of the music, but I find the band's artsy, downtown-New York, Andy Warholesque pose annoying. One can be insouciant about one's status as a musician, but there is no reason to be insufferable about it. Having said all that - I do love David Byrne's suit, the lighting, even some of the theatrics.

Here's "Girlfriend is Better", from which the title of the film came:

Virtual Tin Cup

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