Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hang Our Heads In Shame

This is embarrassing. Three protesters were arrested today as they interrupted the Senate invocation by a Hindu priest.

Over at TPM's Election Central is this story of an interview with the head of the group represented by the arrested protesters. Here is a sampling of his, uh, views:
In the interview, [the Rev. Flip] Benham praised the three activists, Ante and Katherine Pavkovic and their daughter Kristen. And he scorned the idea of the Hindu invocation.

"What we have here is just a wonderful example of Christian theology becoming biography in the sacred chamber of the United States Senate, as a Hindu was offering up a prayer to open up the session this morning. And the folks that were there [the Pavkovics] ... waited for the Senate, or a Senator with a backbone, to remind the Hindu that there is one God who made this country great, and his name is Jesus."(emphasis added)

The Pavkovics disrupted the ceremony after seeing that no Senator would emerge to challenge the Hindu clergyman's beliefs

Just a note on the highlighted portion of the text; uh, no.

This is the kind of thing that makes me want not to be a Christian anymore, because idiots like these protesters call themselves by the same name. Maybe I'll become Hindu; Chaplain Zed appears to be a pretty reasonable guy . . .

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