Friday, July 13, 2007

Blogroll Pumping

I usually don't do this, but I want to highlight one of the sites on my blogroll. I don't know how many of you use those little buttons to check out what I check out each and every day, but I would urge you to click on Sadly!No. The guys at Sadly!No do what I cannot do, and wish I could - they skewer the right wing through humor. They also marshal enough reason and evidence along the way to burst the pretension to wisdom, sagacity, and intellectual honesty that is so sorely lacking. Their main targets include, but are not limited to, Blogs for Bush, Michelle Malkin and her Pajamas Media, Peggy Noonan, Deb Schlussel, and gay conservative Ace of Spades. They are always funny, insightful, biting, and correct. I start my blog-reading with them because they help me keep something in perspective - while the issues are serious, we are not. Those who consider themselves the most serious people around are actually the biggest clowns in our public circus. One can either scream at them, or laugh at them. Thanks to Sadly!No, we all can laugh together.

As a note of warning, some of the language and imagery might be considered offensive to those of a more genteel nature. The site is definitely rated "R", but so is life.

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