Monday, July 09, 2007

Life, Death, Abortion, Euthanasia, and Christian Ethics

Quite a title, I know. I guess I can sum up what I want to say this way - as a Christian, I do not believe that death is the ultimate horror. I do not fear death. Furthermore, I think it is anti-Christian to support life at all costs. Furthermore, I think that an ethic that calls itself Christian that seeks to forestall death out of fear is in fact not Christian.

You know what? This is really all I have to say. All the details I wanted to put in - from Terri Schiavo and abortion to assisted suicide - really flow from this simple assertion. Too many Christians act out of a fear of death that, were they consistent, has no place in the Christian faith. Death is not the enemy. To act as if it is, and that any and all signs of life must be defended at all costs, is to betray the message of the resurrection (kind of an important part of the Christian faith, I think) that God's love transcends death. Even were one to deny the historical, physical reality of the resurrection of Jesus, treating it more as a metaphor, we arrive at the same place.

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