Thursday, April 19, 2007

Short Take

Been watching Senate hearing with the Attorney General. Here is my impression of how the questions are going:
Democratic Senator: You've lied, misled, blocked information, changed your story, and now you want us to believe you, even under oath. I think you are a lying sack of crap.
AG:You can believe me because I don't remember anything important.
Republican Senator:A question or two on how tough your job is, and how awful for the Democrats to be calling you a liar, politicizing this process. You are a tough man doing a tough job.
AG:Thank you, Senator, for having my back, along with the President.

BTW, "I don't remember", and worse, "I've been searching my memory" (he actually used these words in response to a question from Jeff Sessions from Alabama) are weasel ways of avoiding perjury charges, because, you know, suddenly the light can go on in a darkened corner of the AG's mind, and he can remember what he forgot to talk about under oath.

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