Monday, April 16, 2007

No Sense of Irony

Cluelessness is not something restricted to politicians, or Republicans, or conservatives. All of us from time to time say and do things that, were we a bit more self-aware, we might not have done. Yet, it seems that our President wants to monopolize this particular corner of human behavior. From Faith in Public
President Bush preached to the choir at the National Catholic Prayer breakfast Friday, promoting the "dignity of life," and stressing his opposition to easing restrictions on federally funded embryonic stem cell research — a reference to a bill he's threatened to veto.

"In our day there is a temptation to manipulate life in ways that do not respect the humanity of the person," Bush said Friday. "When that happens, the most vulnerable among us can be valued for their utility to others instead of their own inherent worth."

Yes, let us have dignity for blastocysts, but not for the tens of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans and the 3300 American service personnel killed, the tens of thousands of each of these wounded. Let us make sure that every germ cell is preserved, but death row inmates dispatched as quickly as possible.

This man is a horror show of self-ignorance. I suppose I should have entitled this one "No Sense of Shame", but one would have to be aware of how horrible one is in order to have any shame.

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