Tuesday, April 17, 2007

For Those Left behind

Tomorrow, I hope to be in a different emotional space. The events at Virginia Tech have just left me feeling that all the nonsense, all the talk, all the pomposity, all the posturing, all the foolishness - it is all meaningless. We need to come together right now, all 300,00,000 of us Americans, and pray or do the non-religious facsimile thereof, and hold in all our thoughts those who are living and will live with this forever: the parents, siblings, lovers, friends, and those who escaped death, sometimes by the narrowest of margins. We need to hold them all and let them know all of us are with them. I know the song is cheesy, but I heard it last night, and I can't get out of my head the feeling that, for the living, this is what we need to be saying:

Note: I couldn't upload the actual video, but this one is pretty good. If you don't like it - the song or the video - go find your own. But do it for them, not for yourself.

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