Wednesday, April 18, 2007


We have been dealing with a whole lot of death recently in our household. Two weeks ago, a childhood friend of mine, a man whom I had known since we were in kindergarten, died. Monday, my wife performed two funerals. Today, she attended two. Tomorrow, she attends the funeral of a sixteen-year-old at whose death-bed she sat on Sunday, along with his family. On top of this comes the mass murder at VA Tech. A person can only take so much.

The fellows at Sadly!No do us all a service by making fun of horrible people. Here, here, here, and here they take shots, like standing inside a closed barn, hoping to hit a wall, or perhaps the roof, at Deb Schussel (again, I refuse to link to her because she is so abysmally horrible). I have been able to laugh when, to be honest, I just want to weep. I want all of it - all the blame, the finger pointing, the racism, the faux-hero posturing, the demand for more guns, more gun-control more this, less that - I want it to all STOP so we can just be human enough to mourn with the families and friends, to console those who have survived. Crooks and Liars has this piece that includes a comment at Schussels blog, calling her an "empty-souled vampiric monster." How appropriate.

Why can't these people just shut up? Seriously. Just. Shut. UP!

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