I'm sure it sucks not to get the benefit of the doubt on something like this, but that's the price you pay for thinking it's a good idea to ignore civilized norms and base your strategy on appearing to be ruthless and mercilesss [sic]. People tend to lose faith in your decency and good intentions.
That is what I would have liked to have said in that very long post, but, as usual, Digby says it better, and shorter, and more directly than I ever could. To this there can be no reply, not from those who believe that America can be better than it has been since Jan 1, 2001.
UPDATE: Mike Stark at Calling All Wingnuts offers this response to a global warming denier. Truth is, it is a great way to respond to anyone who simply has no credibility (in this instance, Goat, who would wish the entire corrupt Bush Administration away with the wave of a keyboard):
I’m sorry, but I feel like I walked in on you in bed with my wife and you just spent the last two hours asking me if I was going to believe me or my lying eyes.
Too over the top? Ah, well, so is "Serving at the pleasure of the President" if one has a dirty mind.