Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Using Digby to Reply to Goat (With an Alternative Reply From Mike Stark)

Goat wants to "debate" the USA firings, the whole pile of filth that is the Bush Administration. Fine, debate away - but don't ignore the facts simply because they're inconvenient or don't fit your paradigm. More to the point, I shall now quote Digby, from Hullabaloo, who is the master of the blogs, the one who is our master and guide, because he is just so damned good at it:
I'm sure it sucks not to get the benefit of the doubt on something like this, but that's the price you pay for thinking it's a good idea to ignore civilized norms and base your strategy on appearing to be ruthless and mercilesss [sic]. People tend to lose faith in your decency and good intentions.

That is what I would have liked to have said in that very long post, but, as usual, Digby says it better, and shorter, and more directly than I ever could. To this there can be no reply, not from those who believe that America can be better than it has been since Jan 1, 2001.

UPDATE: Mike Stark at Calling All Wingnuts offers this response to a global warming denier. Truth is, it is a great way to respond to anyone who simply has no credibility (in this instance, Goat, who would wish the entire corrupt Bush Administration away with the wave of a keyboard):
I’m sorry, but I feel like I walked in on you in bed with my wife and you just spent the last two hours asking me if I was going to believe me or my lying eyes.

Too over the top? Ah, well, so is "Serving at the pleasure of the President" if one has a dirty mind.

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