Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Stupid, Like the Poor, Will Always Be With Us

While not a fan of that fascist psychoanalyst Carl Jung, I have had an actual synchronistic experience. My children, home from school on "Spring Break", but stuck inside because of cold, damp weather, are watching the Star Wars movies, and I just ran across this news item at Christian News Wire. Star Wars Jesus is just about the stupidest thing I have ever heard, even more stupid than invading Iraq, or the idea that cutting taxes increases tax revenue.

It is one thing for Christians to write serious, faith-based commentary on pop-culture, from music to film. It is another to take the neo-Campbellian (as in Joseph Campbell, famous reactionary, infamous anti-Semite, and gnostic syncretist who endorses the idea, ill-conceived and ahistorical on its face, that all religions are the same) nonsense Lucas cobbled together and tie it in to the message of the Gospel. Others have tried, of course; the list of Christian commentary on the films is quite long. I just don't see how it works, though, or even why it should be attempted. Why not enjoy the films for what they are, two or three boxes of popcorn and a really big soda kinda movies, instead of mining for minerals in a pile of rocks?

Star Wars Jesus. Please, save us from Gen-Xers who try and fail at being profound.

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