Monday, March 26, 2007

Classic Comics Theology, Vol. V - Eschatology

You know, it truly boggles the mind. On the one hand, fundies and others who claim to adhere to Scripture as a guide to belief and faithful practice want us to throw away our traditional separation of church and state to teach garbage like creationism and "intelligent design"; on the other hand, I have no doubt that millions of supposedly faithful Christians will pimp this as more "definitive proof" of the existence of life after death and the popularly imagined version of heaven.

As there is no scriptural warrant for anything written in that piece, I wonder how one squares the claims with a defense of Biblically-centered belief. As there is nothing - repeat: NOTHING - in the Bible that even remotely shows the continued existence of a centered personality (some might call it a "soul" or "spirit") immediately following death, what, I wonder, will be the defense of this utter nonsense?

If heaven is so wonderful, if the author was so blissfully unaware of any regrets, any sin, any remorse, why didn't he stay in heaven? This is not an idle question, but exactly the question that needs answering. It is one thing to not fear death, and one need not be a Christian to not fear death. It is another thing entirely to sell one's fantasy-life as proof for every third-grade Sunday School version of the hereafter.

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