Thursday, March 29, 2007

Cameron Wants Reasons

So, Cameron didn't like my apology the other day. I find it odd that, having stated clearly my position vis-a-vis apologists for the Bush Administration and their utter lack of credibility, he would insist that I am simply stamping my feet, refusing to listen like a child having a tantrum. Actually, I think it utterly reasonable to refuse to listen anymore to those who either willingly lie, or enable others to do so, lies that have done more serious damage to our nation than anything since slavery. From the economy to the war to the destruction of the integrity of the federal bureaucracy, one wonders what, exactly, I am supposed to be listening to by way of defense.

I could be all open-minded and say, "You know, there really are two sides to the question, or perhaps even multiple sides, and each is as valid as the other." Except, not only don't I believe that to be true in this case, it is demonstrably false. There is no case to be made for support for the Bush Administration, because there is nothing to support. They do nothing, they offer nothing, they are destructive of everything in to which they come in to contact. As I write this, a former DoJ official is on Capitol Hill trying to explain why the Justice Department not only lied initially about the firing of eight United States Attorneys, but continued to lie about the lies, even as more information became public. My feeling is Sampson is being set up as the fall guy for Gonzalez on this one, but with more information coming to light, that just won't wash. There is already too much information in the public domain - all those e-mails - to sustain the idea that Sampson was anymore than a functionary, carrying out his orders. Why one would want to believe someone who has already demonstrated his willingness to lie under oath is a bit beyond my comprehension, but there are enough facts and enough of a paper trail on the table now to ensure that we get at what happened without anymore nonsensical lying.

I refuse to consider conservative governance as anything but an utter and dismal failure, politically, socially, and morally bankrupt to the core. True believers, be they Islamic terrorists, Christian fundamentalists, or Republicans, are always dangerous because the real world never intrudes upon their carefully crafted desire to create a new world out of the ashes of the old, ashes they themselves have helped to create. You don't like it that I refuse to listen to your complaints about a few anarchists at a protest rally? Sorry, but I've been to enough of these DC shindigs to know the way they work, and these kinds of folks are there for one reason and one reason alone - publicity. You give them what they crave, by flashing their "Fuck the Troops" banner and declaring that this is what Democrats and liberals really believe. Again, you are either ignorant or purposely mendacious, and at this point, the distinction is moot, because the result is the same - you lose any credibility you might have had.

Since most of my complaints about the Bush Administration are rooted in a loathing for their moral vacuity, demonstrated by their endless bleating of "support the troops", only to be revealed that they toss them away like so much garbage to outsourced hell-holes like Walter Reed (formerly) Army Medical Center (I say formerly, because its management and operations are run under contract by a private firm), I find it fascinating that anyone would think that I, for one, care little or not at all for our troops. From the beginning, my central concern has been with the troops - not needlessly putting them in harms way, protecting them as much as possible, sending them to war equipped properly, bringing them home as quickly as possible, giving them a mission that can be accomplished, treating them with the dignity they deserve, giving them not just adequate, but comprehensive physical and psychological treatment after they come home - so to somehow think that I, for one, do not support the troops, when all the evidence is clear that the only ones who do not support our troops are the political leaders who have failed them all along the way in the list I just gave is, again, either ignorant or purposely mendacious; again, I neither know nor care which it is at this point because the result is the same.

For me, you have totally and utterly disqualified yourself from being a dialogue partner unless you are willing to accept the fundamental reality that the Bush Administration is, has been from the beginning, and will continue to be as long as any one of them is in office, an utter, abject, total, colossal failure. These are not opinions, but facts in the public record, denied only by those who continue to support the utter decimation of the American way of life.

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