Monday, March 12, 2007

Three Month Old Puppies and Bloggers - They Both Whine

I do believe that Duncan is feeling a bit upset by some of the comments made about him. Over here at his site, Eschaton, he not only repeats both his goals and his surprise at his success - after many years and much hard work - he also links to the whiny bloggers who just want to have him, or Kos, or somebody to link to them. I have spent a bit of time reflecting the past few weeks on just what it is I do (and I think one last post on this topic is all that is warranted), and just to be clear, my feelings mirror Duncan's right down the line.

I originally started this whole thing as an intellectual outlet, and it has morphed into a hobby - a daily "thing I do", and I have fun, exchange jokes, notes, views, even the occasional insult, but mostly I just enjoy myself as I very publicly (even though my public is small:) ) try to work through what it is I feel about various issues and topics. I have no illusions about either my insight or the perspicacity of my intellect; I do the best with what I've got, and trust that others will call me out when I make an ass of myself. I will admit that I was inordinately proud of getting notice in, as I posted yesterday (who wouldn't, unless one was called a total failure and wanker of the first order?), but, such notice is really beside the point. I still just do what I do, and if anyone listens, great. If not, well, this is more about me than you, isn't it?

Like Duncan, I have no idea what "success" would look like, because, to be honest, just blogging everyday feels successful. I have an outlet for my intellectual and political views, I have one or two people who feel moved enough comment, keeping me honest, and I have a tiny voice in our national conversation - the last being all I ever wanted anyway. All those who just want to be linked to FDL, or whatever the site might be - they are looking for attention, not based on merit or hard work, but by basking in the glow of true success stories. Like the nobody who attaches him- or herself to a famous person in the vain hope of reflected glory, there is something more than a little parasitic about the whole thing.

In other words, shut up and blog!

Virtual Tin Cup

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