Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Deadhead On Target

Among Sen. Patrick Leahy's (D-VT) many outstanding qualities is his devotion to The Grateful Dead. How can anyone not like a guy who wears tie-dye, spends hours at a time with seriously chemicalled-up fellow-revelers digging extremely loud party music, and can still stare down a criminal administration? I mean, seriously, the fact that he is a Deadhead is like icing on the cake; you just know he's the coolest.

So here's Leahy today in an interview:
“Frankly, I don’t care whether [White House Counsel Fred Fielding] says he’s going to allow people or not. We’ll subpoena the people we want,” Leahy said. “If they want to defy the subpoena, then you get into a stonewall situation I suspect they don’t want to have.” Asked whether he’ll subpoena Rove, Leahy answered, “Yes. He can appear voluntarily if he wants. If he doesn’t, I will subpoena him.”

"Frankly, I don't care . . ." That's all it takes to show the Administration what happens when the VP tells you to "Go fuck yourself" on the floor of the United States Senate.

May the Four Winds Roll you Safely Home*, Senator.

From "Franklin's Tower", lyrics by Robert Hunter

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