Friday, March 16, 2007

More Frothing From the Right over Pete Stark

As an update to my post yesterday in re the Concerned Women of America expressing their displeasure over Rep. Pete Stark's avowal of atheism, Right Wing Watch brings us news of another corner of the whackoverse heard from. This time, it is something called the Traditional Values Coalition, which upped the ante by not only reporting the story, but lying about it. So much for traditional values . . .

You know, these so-called right-wing Christians, who seem to have no problem with illegal wars and occupations without end, torture, "extraordinary rendition", illegal detention, multiple abuses of power, neglect of wounded soldiers and veterans, the fraying of the social and civil fabric of American life are upset because a long-term member of Congress says, "Hey, I'm an atheist, and the world is still spinning." I wonder what, exactly, are the values in the American tradition these people are trying to uphold. Or is it perhaps the case that, like Communists who call their countries The Democratic Republic of . . . when in fact it is neither democratic nor a republic in the traditional sense, these people are flapping their gums in some Orwellian fashion? What is the answer to all this?

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