Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm Concerned About Concerned Women of America (CWA)

Over at Right Wing comes this little snippet in re Rep. Pete Stark's announcement that he is a non-theistic Unitarian:

"It is unfortunate in a society that is going down the path of godlessness and making right wrong and wrong right, that we continue down this path by celebrating one member of Congress who denies that God exists altogether," Concerned Women for America Director of Legislative Relations Mike Mears told Cybercast News Service.

"The founding fathers ... founded this country on godly principles," Mears said. "Fifty-one of the 56 signers [of the Declaration of Independence] had a Christian worldview and [Stark] wants to change that and celebrate - basically - godlessness."

"I think a Christian worldview is proper for a politician to have," he said. "I want them to be looking outside of themselves for answers to big issues."

Of course, the business about the Founders is historically inaccurate, but that has never stopped those on the right from repeating it. As for godly principles, could they perhaps explain the "no religious test for office" clause?

I thought not.

What exactly is a "Christian worldview" anyway?

So many question. So few answers. So much nonsense. So little thought . . . or understanding . . . or respect for the Constitution.

Just a note; the Director of Legislative Relations for Concerned Women of America is a man.

Finally, it is apparent that "concern" is enough to make these ladies feel they should be taken seriously. Sadly, I do not.

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