Friday, February 09, 2007

The IG Report and the Press - Some Context

When I heard the lead headline this morning on NPR - the business about the Office of Special Plans making up stuff for the Vice-President to use on national television to sell the Iraq war - I wondered why it took nearly four years for the rest of the world to catch up with Seymour Hirsch. Back in 2003, Hersch published a story in The New Yorker detailing substantially the same information that was released by the Inspector General's Office, and suddenly thundered as NEWS. If you win a Pulitzer for whining about Bill Clinton's wierd repulsion/attraction and bad oral sex like Maureen Down, you are a serious journalist. If you pimp a war, and continue pimping it even after it is lost, like Thom Friedman, and win a couple Pulitzer's in the process, you are a serious journalist. If you uncover a massacre by US troops during one illegal war (and win a Pulitzer), write a book detailing the abuses of power by Kissinger and Nixon, write an issue-length story on another alleged massacre that the mainstream press called a "battle", and continue to hound an Administration bent on lying and leading us to destruction, first in Iraq then in Iran, you are not a serious journalist, like Seymour Hersch. Except, of course, Hersch was right, and everyone else - and I mean EVERYONE ELSE IN THE MAINSTREAM PRESS - was wrong, WRONG, WRONG.

Glenn Greenwald (of course) gets it exactly right:
It is vitally important to ensure that those who were responsible for the deceit that led us into Iraq are identified and held accountable.

But that responsibility extends beyond Bush officials into most of the nation's most influential media outlets.(emphasis added)

Read the whole post.

I think this is an important and necessary point that I want to emphasize. To many mainstream journalists, the business over "flawed intelligence" is "old news" because, well, we're in Iraq, and we should be spending our energies figuring out what to do there. The problem with such a position is that it completely ignores the role the media played in getting us into Iraq in the first place. Responsibility, accountability - these are things the press seems to demand of others, but not of itself. More to the point, the run-up to the war is a sub-set, a horrific instance of a much larger phenomenon in which the press has failed and continues to fail us. An example of the former is the two-year media-frenzy over impeachment, a nightmare from which we are all trying to awake. An example of the latter if the business over "Pelosi's plane", with some examples of wonderful myth- and lie-shattering over at TPM Horses Mouth, here and here. It isn't bad enough that the whole thing is a lie - it has been uncovered as a lie since the very day some idiots started harping about it, and the story seems to have "legs" in the same way centipedes do. The right-wing just keeps it up, figuring that if they keep shouting the lies they will become the truth. And, of course, the press just keeps eating it up. FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, PLEASE JUST STOP!

Tristero at Hullabaloo has an excellent piece on this same topic, and Duncan has this to say on a symptom of the larger disease, as revealed by Tim Russert on the stand at the Scooter Libby perjury trial:
Russert only reports what people agree to let him report.

By admitting on the stand that his conversations with "Washington players" as it were are always off the record unless explicitly stated otherwise, he admitted that he does not hold to certain journalistic standards, and thus allows himself to be used by officials who see a convenient mouthpiece for the drivel they put out. Rather than, say, assuming an adversarial stand and insisting the it be "off-the-record" that is explicit, he has surrendered his journalistic credibility (or at least the last filthy tatters of it) for access.

We have had a victory or two in the past few days, including the whole Edwards' blogger business, and riding the truth about the attempted right-wing smear of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (although it hasn't quite caught on, and the story continues to fester, like a boil on the ass of the body politic). We need to keep working it, keep pushing, not just shouting down, but "Facting down" the noise- and hate- and lie-filled nonsense that for too long has taken over our national media.

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