Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stanley Hauerwas On American Religion

I want to like Stanley Hauerwas. Really. Except that just when he gets going on something, he says something, or goes off on a particular tangent and I think, "Aww, man, why'd you go and say that?"

Except this piece from the Guardian is an instance where Hauerwas actually gets it right. Particularly on the whole issue of Barack Obama needing to leave a church that had the audacity - the audacity! - to proclaim that God's judgment may just fall upon our nation for its collective sins.

I especially love the whole "fated for 'freedom'" paradox he raises. It's like a nice little kick in the nuts to people who unthinkingly parrot nonsense. Of course, Hauerwas has spent much of his life kicking complacent people in the nuts, at least verbally.

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