Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fun With Blogger Widgets

I have discovered, in some updates to Blogger, there is a "stats" button on the dashboard. It tracks traffic, including who is clicking over and reading, where they are from (Russia? Really?), and what posts generate the most traffic.

I was surprised to learn that this is the single most-read post I have ever done. I think it's this album cover.
Which means, of course, that many of my readers are pervs.

I know, for example, that Marshall Art, and others using his site, continue to click over here. They lurk, but don't comment.

This is a new little thing, and one thing I have noticed is posting links at Facebook and Twitter really does help boost traffic. So, as annoying as it is for most of the folks on my Friends list and who follow me, I'm gonna keep doing it.

So, be warned. I know who you are!

Virtual Tin Cup

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