Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Karl Rove Holds Republican Voters In Contempt

I find it more than amusing that we are barraged with claims that liberals are elitists who hate real Americans. There is enough evidence, time and time again, proving the exact opposite, which only shows, I think, that far too many conservatives have a very real stake in feeling victimized by anyone who disagrees with them.

NPR's Peter Overby and Andrea Seabrook did a story this morning on the way "independent, non-partisan advocacy groups", emerging in the wake of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, are, in mundane fact if not legal fact, front groups for the Republican Party. One of the most interesting tidbits to emerge from the story, however, comes near the end of the report.
B. Wayne Hughes made a fortune in the self-storage business. He sits on the board of the American Action Network. The way the group is organized, it's unclear how much he's given to it. But he recently gave $1.5 million to American Crossroads, just as the ad campaigns were ramping up.

That group says on its website: "We believe that a new direction for America starts with you — not with clever political ads, consultants and slick fundraising pitches."
Such blatant dishonesty is a thing of beauty.

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