Sunday, October 10, 2010

King Solomon Burke RIP

Solomon Burke was a large man in every sense of the word. He partook of all that life had to offer, eating, drinking, marrying, and procreating to joyous excess. His music career, too, crossed the spectrum from standard R&B through country music (he loved it) to gospel (among his many ventures was time spent as a preacher).

When he was inducted in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, much later than he should have been, he was surrounded by part of his large family and entourage in another of those moments of ecstatic excess.

His singing, like his life, was done without restraint, with joy (even as he did heart rending ballads and songs of political and social protest). Even seated, he radiated an energy that was contagious. As in this clip from an appearance on the British program Top of the Pops.

The world is a little smaller today because he is no longer with us. At least he left behind a catalog as large as his own life from which we can continue to learn how to live life to its fullest, always with joy.

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