Monday, October 11, 2010

Another Day, Another Gay Suicide

This time, it's Norman, OK.
A 19-year old gay man committed suicide following a heated Norman city council meeting that focused on homosexuality, the teen's family said.


"I also think it's not dark thinking or bigoted thinking to have an opposition to this...But it's clear thinking," said one Norman resident during the meeting.

"Recruiting children into these lifestyles will be very easy with this kind of open format," said another resident during the city council meeting.


Zach's father said his son was a very private person who came out during high school. He said the Norman North graduate was bullied and harassed at school for being gay. Van Harrington said he feels a lack of acceptance from society and what he calls a "toxic meeting" last month is what finally pushed Zach over the edge.
Please note, the lack of acceptance wasn't from his family. It was the general lack of acceptance in the larger world.

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