Friday, April 23, 2010

Rage Against The Machine

Feodor expresses his rage at what seems to be Divine apathy in the face of massive human suffering. Despite a certain Satanic advocacy on my part, I do understand. The earthquake that struck Haiti, the loss of life, the structural, political, and other impediments to recovery create even more suffering. It makes no sense. If we have a God that does, indeed, love us as we claim, how do we account for the absence of care when a people, already suffering the slings and arrows of centuries of imperialism, racism, exploitation, neglect, and (too-often imposed) despotism now have to cope with a quarter-million dead because of a natural disaster.

Rather than hector, I pose the problem without offering any answer of my own. The dead very often cry out for answers and we, the living, find ourselves voiceless in the face of their pleas. Thoughts?

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