Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday Rock Show

After leaving the Sex Pistols, John Lydon spent some time trying to figure out what to do next. While the bundle of contradictions that continues to be his approach to music (including getting the original Pistols back together for a tour twelve years ago, with one minor exception; "Sorry we couldn't dig up our bass player," he quipped at one show) make any attempt to figure out what, if anything, he really means, there can be no doubt that his next project, Public Image Limited, pointed in a direction beyond the Pistols insistence on "no future", as they sang in "God Save the Queen". Their first release, an eponymously titled song, was a direct swipe at the British public who were to some degree confused as to who, exactly, John Lydon was. It may not always be good form to attack your audience, but after the verbal and occasionally physical beatings Lydon took, it is understandable.

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