Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Constitution Shouldn't Apply To The Guilty

Wolf Blitzer does, indeed, hate America. Hating on the justice system began in earnest with the O. J. Simpson trial. When he was found not guilty, you heard it everywhere; the jury system was irreparably broken. Except, of course, it wasn't. It actually worked quite well in that case.

The problem, then and now, is media exposure not just creates the illusion of understanding, but a sense of participation in the legal process. The addition of Bush-era notions that certain individuals just don't deserve a trial, or any constitutional protections whatsoever. One can even sense a grating tone because they are forced to add "alleged" when talking about those accused of crimes. In the case of the Ft. Hood shooter, there is the additional weight that this was a mass killing of our soldiers, by a soldier.

Too bad for Blitzer that we live in a society in which even the Hasan Nidals of the world are entitled to constitutional protections. That's why they are called "rights". Indeed, Blitzer's point that Hasan will get better treatment than those who receive summary execution and all sorts of other treatment is what makes the United States a far better and humane place to live.

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