Monday, November 09, 2009

God Is Your Enemy

The folks from Westboro Baptist Church have sunk to a new low. I honestly didn't think it was possible; reveling in American dead as Divine punishment for the "sin" of homosexuality, standing around military funerals with the message that God killed our young service personnel because the United States isn't terrorizing the gay folk is bad enough. Now, they are protesting outside Sascha and Mahlia Obama's school in Washington, DC.

The Obama girls, like Chelsea Clinton, attend Sidwell Friends School, run by Quakers, who are, obviously, notoriously anti-Christian, wanting to destroy America as violently as possible.
Ellis Turner, the associate head of Sidwell, told ThinkProgress that students and faculty members wearing rainbow colors staged a counter-protest. They held a banner with the Quaker phrase, "There is that of God in everyone" . . .

These are horrible people whom God loves. We are asked to pray for them, because they are God's children, too. I guess I, for one, would like some assistance on this front, because hate-filled bigots who celebrate death in the name of the God of Christianity makes me angry.

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