Monday, October 05, 2009

Stupid Intellectuals

I was going to write about Steven Hayward's Outlook piece yesterday, but to be perfectly honest, it's crap. The pieces from "conservative intellectuals" he offers up are crap. His juxtaposition of intellectual conservatism and "populism" is crap. His history and grasp of how shallow most conservative "ideas" are betrays his own adherence to them. His refusal to understand the utter failure of conservative governance under eight years of George W. Bush shatter any "integrity" he may have.

Read it to laugh at how stupid it is. Just don't believe there is anything substantive to it. Beyond spanking radio talk show hosts, and wearing on his sleeve the typical conservative desire to have daddy - whether in the form of William F. Buckley or Ronald Reagan - come and make everything better, the piece is so bad it fits in perfectly with the continued downward slurge (in Winston Churchill's apt phrase) of The Washington Post.

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