Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Fantasy And Reality

In conservative fantasy-land, not only is the United States crumbling around us, the cold, dead hand of the state ready to force us all to sing songs to the greatness of Barack Obama while it laughs at health insurance company workers forced to look for work elsewhere; the rest of the world thinks we are a joke, ready to fold up under the pressure because we have a defeatist President who cares little for the use of force in the world, cowed by the tinnest of tin-pot dictators. For example:
We Americans, and the world, are truly watching a return to the planet of the apes (chaos and destruction), but as bleak as this reality is, we are still the architects of our future and with that there is hope, and the possibility of redemption.(emphasis added)

In this weird place where we all live and work and breathe, however, things aren't quite so bleak as bad early-70's dystopian movies:
The United States is the most admired country globally thanks largely to the star power of President Barack Obama and his administration, according to a new poll.

Reality is so stupid.

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