Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday Rock Show

I should probably put "rock" in quotes. Loverboy was Canada's revenge for all the insults we've hurled their way over the years.

I've mentioned that this weekend is my high school graduating class's 25 plus 1 year reunion, and that I cannot attend. When I was in high school, almost every weekend, there was a dance in the junior high gymnasium. A classmate of mine, Chris Davis, had a DJ service, complete with big, old panel lights and a huge sound system, two turntables - yes, turntables - and some favorite songs he would play over and over again. "I Like The Nightlife" by the Cars. "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. And this song, that for some inexplicable reason he played early on pretty much every weekend. It has few virtues other than being not too long as to overtax the listener. As my mind has turned back to those days with a combination of fondness and embarrassment, it is this song that keeps cropping up, no matter how hard I try to stop it. I suppose it's just that we were all white, from a small town in the middle of nowhere, so we didn't know any better. Youth can be forgiven much, I suppose.

For the WHS Class of 1983, at least those who have survived to this point, I hope you all have a great time.

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