Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Reflections Thanks To Cronkite's Passing

What is more striking when thinking about the current abysmal state of our national media when reflecting upon the achievements of Walter Cronkite, and others from that bygone era, is what an ugly sinkhole it has become. Just a quick perusal will suffice:

Pat Buchanan: "This Has Been A Country Built, Basically, By White Folks"

Dobbs: Obama Needs To "Produce A Birth Certificate"

Coulter: "Boxer sees a black testifying before her, and she thinks it's appropriate to cite other blacks"

Hour 2: Limbaugh: Sotomayor Has A "Minority Mindset"

Beck "Lose[s]" His "Mind;" Screams At Caller Over Health Care

Almost makes me yearn for the days of three national networks with the willingness to take a hit to the bottom-line to provide serious coverage of events.

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