Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Making Hay While The Blood Runs

A terrible tragedy has occurred. A horrid crime committed against members of the American Armed Forces. So what do folks on the right do? Shout, "See? See!?! You're just as bad!!"

Except, of course, we're not.

Dr. George Tiller has been specifically targeted by anti-abortion groups for years, including figures in the national media, as a murderer, a Nazi, and a criminal. I am quite sure the young private at the recruiting center in Little Rock was relatively anonymous, going about the difficult but important task of selling service to young people while an unpopular occupation - said occupation still killing our young men and women - is going on.

I would offer a challenge. If anyone, anywhere, can find a piece of writing not only condemning military service in general but calling our service personnel, as a group, murderers, deserving of death, I will accept any comparison they would like to toss my way. If anyone can show me, with links, where folks on the "Left" - however you wish to define that - are insisting that, while tragic, this horrid act of violence was justified in any sense, and that the young man murdered is rotting in hell because of his crimes, I will publish it and link to it.

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