Monday, June 01, 2009

I Attempt Journalism

If I were a journalist (and ER is probably thanking God every day I don't represent his profession), here is the lede and follow-up I would write about the murder of Dr. George Tiller.


Doctor Gunned Down In Church (that's the headline I'd want)

Dr. George Tiller, 67, was murdered while serving as usher at Reformation Lutheran Church. According to eye witness accounts, the alleged shooter entered the church and confronted Tiller in the narthex, or entryway, where he was passing out bulletins to those entering Sunday morning services. Tiller, from Wichita, has been targeted for his active support for women's health, running a clinic that provides safe and legal procedures.

Now, these are the "facts" of the case. Every single article I have seen has used, at some point, the word "controversial" in relation to the services his clinic provides women. Not a single one has mentioned that they are legal. The "controversy" only exists because there are people out there who call people who provide safe, comprehensive health care for women "mass murder", "Nazi", that they have "blood on their hands." Quel surprise that someone has decided to end the "controversy" and save all those "innocent unborn babies" from our own version of Josef Mengele (Tiller was compared to Mengele by a commenter at

To my mind, that Dr. Tiller operated a clinic that complied completely with local, state, and federal public health guidelines, providing comprehensive medical care for women is far more honest than all the, "Controversial abortion doc killed," crap I've been reading.

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