Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday Summer Rock Show

The day after the 1982 graduation ceremonies at Waverly High School - the day I became a senior - a friend of mine had a "Got To Hell, World, I'm A Senior" party at his house. A bunch of us got together, swam in the pool (most of us were also on the varsity swim team), and basically got up to all sorts of doings most of the day. It basically set the tone for the next 12 months of my life; if anyone else had as serious a case of the I'm-a-senior-so--screw-you's than I did, I didn't know him. That same summer, along with the abysmal "Eye of the Tiger", this song was everywhere, and while I don't like it all that much, it still reminds me of that party, that summer, and that sense of being on top of the world.

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