Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pointing And Laughing And Asking A Question

(h/t Matt)

ER points and laughs. Via Conor Friedersdorf, I have a question while I point and laugh:
How can [people] simultaneously insist that a country governed by [Pres. Obama] is well served by an executive branch given expansive powers during war time? How can they insist that he’ll end freedom in America, and defend the idea of warrantless wiretapping? Is it credible to argue that he is a radical opportunist who seeks the prosecution of political opponents, and that he should have the power to order waterboarding, “walling,” and other brutal interrogation tactics? It’s as if one moment they’re comparing him to Joseph Stalin, and the next they’re demanding that he wield all the power they helped afford him by arguing for its righteousness during the Bush era.

One quote one hears - and I don't remember who said it, or if it is even a real quote - about "genius" is the ability to hold two diametrically opposed ideas in one's head simultaneously. Thus, Mark, Marshall, Neil, Ozzie - the whole gang - a bunch of real geniuses.

Or the whole pack of them are dumber than carpet tacks.

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