Sunday, July 06, 2008

Some Thoughts On Creation

For a generation we have been told that we must either subscribe to a literal interpretation of the first two chapters of Genesis, or we must accept certain grand theories on the creation of the universe. The two are mutually exclusive, and we must choose. Any person who actually thinks should realize that such a simplistic presentation is most likely wrong, because reality is far too complicated.

When I affirm that I believe that God is the Creator, I am affirming my belief that what is depends for is existence upon God. Of course, it would take volumes to unpack that particular sentence, and this is a blog post, so I will pass that over for the nonce. At this point, I would like to offer up a couple examples of the wonders of our world, with only minimal comment, that, to me at any rate, point up the basic flaw of the false dichotomy.

First, there's this report of a brine lake in a crater a bit over a mile down (7400 feet) in the ocean. Here, under the weight of a mile of water was supersaturated brine that acted like a large lake, including wave lines on the shore and wave-like action when the explorer plummeted in to the brine. Along with this was the discovery of a new species of octopus that was . . . curious . . . about the explorer.

Another discovery deep in the ocean have been dubbed Black Smokers, discovered in the late 1970's. Within the limited confines of superheated (up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit) and acidic water near the smokers, entire eco-systems dependent upon them, from bacteria to anaerobic plants to giant tube worms and crabs thrive.

When I think of the tiny universe imagined by the people who dreamed up The Creation Museum, I wonder how they fit the wonderful discoveries we are making all the time in to their view of the world. Of course, like all ideologues, they have an answer to every question, even if it's wrong.

At the same time, I fail to see how the strange and beautiful discoveries mentioned here add a scintilla to the falsification of any religious idea, let alone the idea that God created the Universe. Their view of God, and creation, is as small and false as the creationists is of creation. They, too, have a ready answer to the question, and like the creationists, it is wrong.

I stand in awe of God for the wonders of creation, wonders we barely understand, and are discovering more and more of each day. I also stand in awe of the scientists who are pushing back the boundaries of understanding what is, and is not, "natural".

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