Thursday, June 12, 2008

McCain Lie Watch

OK, this is more a flip-flop than a lie. On the other hand, if you embrace a position you once opposed, and do so with vigor, one can't help but lie along the way. From Crooks & Liars:
Remember the good ol’ days? When John McCain used to occasionally say sensible things and break with his party when they embraced ridiculous policy proposals? Good times, good times.


McCain used to see through this nonsense.
. . .I remain opposed to full repeal of the estate tax.

That is, until he became the Republican presidential nominee. Now, McCain finds the estate tax offensive.
Another of my disagreements with Senator Obama concerns the estate tax, which he proposes to increase to a top rate of 55 percent. The estate tax is one of the most unfair tax laws on the books, and the first step to reform is to keep it predictable and keep it low. After a lifetime building up a business, and paying taxes on every dollar that business earns, that asset should not be subjected to a confiscatory tax.

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