Friday, April 04, 2008


For a variety of reasons, this blog is on indefinite hiatus. I do so reluctantly but knowing it is necessary, and will be welcome.

I am a firm believer that all things come and go, that it is far better to leave when it is time to go than to overstay one's welcome. I have achieved some, though certainly not all, that I wanted through this marvelous medium, the most important being making real contact with men and women I never would have known but for it. To ER, drlobojo, Cameron, Democracy Lover, Park Life, Angry Ballerina, (H)apa Theology, and all the rest, I say thank you for putting up with my occasional impertinence, my effrontery at actually expressing opinions that, while certainly sincere, are also self-described as most likely wrong. I have learned much from all of you. Perhaps, some day, I shall find myself dragged back, and have to start from scratch, as it were.

In the meantime, blessings on all of you, peace be unto you, and try not to take yourselves too seriously. I never did, myself least of all (especially when I was at my most "serious").

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