Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Good Critique Of The (False) God Of Creationism

Tristero at Hullabaloo writes frequently on the topic of creationism. His attacks on this pseudo-scientific, pseudo-religious ideology of ignorance occasionally pour over in to hyperbole, but this post nails the entire subject on its puny head. Using an "article" in a "creation science" site as a jumping off point - it looks at a bacterial endo-parasite and comes to no analytical conclusion other than, "Wow, that's really complex! God musta dood it!" - he (?) writes the following:
[L]et's play a thought experiment and simply accept the conclusion that it is "irreducibly complex" and God did indeed design a life history of trematode parasites. It isn't and it evolved, but you know, let's just say, for the sake of argument.

So what?

What a far cry that concept of God is from the Yahweh of the Hebrew Bible, smiting enemies hither and yon, making the sun stand still! Gone is the God of the Gospels with a redemptive message of forgiveness uttered from the mouth of a crucified man betrayed and abandoned by his closest followers. This God, the God of creationism, is a dorky obsessive compulsive preoccupied with minutiae - I expect this God to wash His hands every five minutes and to check the locks.

In short, creationists provide a trivializing notion of what is meant by God, an illustration that "God of the Gaps" is not only non-science but crummy theology. Sure, the life history of trematode parasites will be explainable by natural causes should anyone care enough to study it closely (or, strictly speaking if you insist, it's far too early to throw up one's hands and say, "I dunno, whatever"). More importantly, no non-scientist searching for the meaning of God cares one way or the other whether the development of trematode parasites are "irreducibly complex." No one will ever start a prayer, "O God, without whom trematode parasites would not now live their parasitic lives in fish guts..."

What a bleak, sad universe these people live in. Bad enough their view of reality is thoroughly out of focus. They have a stunted imagination to boot.

They cloak their ignorance in awe at the false god of their own creation and call it the Lord of the Universe.


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