Monday, March 10, 2008

What Was He Thinking

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was caught with his pants down and wallet out, and while he hasn't resigned, I think his effectiveness has diminished.

I just want to know what the hell he was thinking. Before he was governor he was State Attorney General - a law officer and he was consorting with prostitutes. The highest ranking Democratic official to be nailed (no joke intended) by such illegalities, he is no better than David "Poopy Diapers" Vitter, and as far as I'm concerned should resign. Indeed, unlike Bill Clinton, Spitzer wasn't engaged in garden-variety adulterous behavior. He was breaking the law, paying women to have sex with him. Did he actually think he was insulated from detection because of his position? Did he think he wouldn't get caught?

Again, unlike former President Clinton, Spitzer most definitely violated the public trust by breaking laws he had sworn to uphold. I think this disqualifies him from holding any office of public trust. Had he merely been sneaking around with a pretty young thing, or had serial affairs with various consenting adults who didn't have his VISA card number, that would be one thing; a personal foible but hardly worth getting worked up about. Checking out hotties online, then ordering one like one orders a pizza - that's a horse of a different, illegal, color.

Along with sending him packing from Albany, I think a good old fashioned dope slap is warranted.

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